
TwitchSpawn comes with a command (/twitchspawn or /ts) which has multiple modules.

Module: Start TwitchSpawn

Keyword: start Syntax: /twitchspawn start Description: Starts TwitchSpawn by connecting to Socket APIs with the credentials declared in credentials.toml. Prerequisite: Only streamers, their minecraft moderators, any command block or dedicated server console can use this module.

TwitchSpawn is stopped automatically by the server (which will be logged on the chat), if credentials declared in credentials.toml are malformed or invalid.

Module: Stop TwitchSpawn

Keyword: stop Syntax: /twitchspawn stop Description: Stops TwitchSpawn by disconnecting from Socket APIs. Prerequisite: Only streamers, their minecraft moderators, any command block or dedicated server console can use this module.

Module: Display Status

Keyword: status Syntax: /twitchspawn status Description: Displays TwitchSpawn's current status (ON or OFF) on command sender's chat. Prerequisite: None. Anyone can use this module.

Module: Reload Config Files

Keyword: reloadcfg Syntax: /twitchspawn reloadcfg Description: Reloads configurations without requiring a server restart. Prerequisite: Only streamers, their minecraft moderators, any command block or dedicated server console can use this module. TwitchSpawn MUST be offline in order for this module to work.

Module: Display Loaded Rulesets

Keyword: rules Syntax: /twitchspawn rules [<streamer_nick>|default] Description: Displays currently loaded rulesets. If a streamer nick is present, displays a summary of loaded ruleset associated with that streamer. Prerequisite: None. Anyone can use this module.

/twitchspawn rules
/twitchspawn rules iGoodie
/twitchspawn rules ToastNomNomNom
/twitchspawn rules default

Module: Stop/Reload Configs/Start

Keyword: quickrefresh Syntax: /twitchspawn quickrefresh Description: Sequentially stops mod, reloads configs and starts the mod again. Perfect for test purposes. Prerequisite: Only streamers, their minecraft moderators, any command block or dedicated server console can use this module.

/twitchspawn quickrefresh

Module: Simulate an Event

Keyword: simulate Syntax: /twitchspawn simulate <event_simulation_json> [<streamer_nick>] Description: Simulates an event with given json data for given streamer nick and handles it normally. (Default streamer nick is same as using self selector @s) Prerequisite: Only streamers, their minecraft moderators, any command block or dedicated server console can use this module.

/twitchspawn simulate {event:"twitch follow"} @s
/twitchspawn simulate {event:"twitch follow"} iGoodie
/twitchspawn simulate {event:"donation", amount:20.5, currency:"USD"}
/twitchspawn simulate {event:"twitch bits", amount:150} ToastNomNomNom
/twitchspawn simulate {event:"twitch raid", raiders:100} TheDiaval
/twitchspawn simulate {event:"twitch host", viewers:200}
/twitchspawn simulate {event:"donation", random:true}

Module: Test a whole Ruleset

Keyword: test Syntax: /twitchspawn test <streamer> Description: Starts simulating each rule in given streamer's ruleset. This way streamers can test their rulesets before their streams! Prerequisite: Only streamers, their minecraft moderators, any command block or dedicated server console can use this module.

/twitchspawn test
/twitchspawn test iGoodie
/twitchspawn test ToastNomNomNom

Module: Perform a TSL Action

Keyword: execute Syntax: /twitchspawn execute <tsl_action> Description: Parses and performs given TSL action script on the streamer. The event is generated randomly though. Ideal for experimenting with TSL actions without having to write a ruleset! Prerequisite: Only streamers, their minecraft moderators, any command block or dedicated server console can use this module.

/twitchspawn execute DROP apple 5
/twitchspawn execute SHUFFLE armors DISPLAYING %["Pst, check your armors!"]%
/twitchspawn execute EITHER DROP stick OR CHANGE main-hand INTO stick OR NOTHING

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