
preferences.toml is a TOML file used to store various user preferences. Here are the list of its fields:

Field: indicatorDisplay

Type: String/Enum Description: Displaying style of the status indicator. Can be: ENABLED, CIRCLE_ONLY or DISABLED. Exemplar Use(s):

indicatorDisplay = "ENABLED"
indicatorDisplay = "CIRCLE_ONLY"
indicatorDisplay = "DISABLED"

Field: messageDisplay

Type: String/Enum Description: Displaying style of the event messages. Can be: TITLES, CHAT or DISABLED. Exemplar Use(s):

messageDisplay = "TITLES"
messageDisplay = "CHAT"
messageDisplay = "DISABLED"

Field: notificationVolume

Type: Numeric/Float Description: Volume of the notification sound (minimum 0.0, maximum 1.0) Exemplar Use(s):

notificationVolume = 1.0
notificationVolume = 0.5
notificationVolume = 0.0

Field: notificationPitch

Type: Numeric/Float Description: Fitch of the notification sound (minimum 0.0, maximum 1.0, or alternatively -1.0 for random pitch each time) Exemplar Use(s):

notificationPitch = 1.0
notificationPitch = 0.5
notificationPitch = 0.0
notificationPitch = -1.0

Field: notificationDelay

Type: Numeric/Integer Description: Delay between each event to be handled. Unit of it is milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second) Exemplar Use(s):

notificationDelay = 5000
notificationDelay = 2000
notificationDelay = 0
notificationDelay = 10000

Field: autoStart

Type: String/Enum Description: Should the mod attempt auto-start once the world/server is started. Exemplar Use(s):

autoStart = "enabled"
autoStart = "disabled"

Field: chatGlobalCooldown

Type: Numeric/Integer Description: Global cooldown before Twitch Chat Message event can be triggered. Unit of it is milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second) Exemplar Use(s):

chatGlobalCooldown = 60000 # 60k milliseconds = 60 seconds = 1 minute
chatGlobalCooldown = 10000 # 10k milliseconds = 10 seconds

Field: chatIndividualCooldown

Type: Numeric/Integer Description: Individual cooldown before an individual viewer can trigger a new Twitch Chat Message event. Unit of it is milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second) Exemplar Use(s):

chatIndividualCooldown = 60000 # 60k milliseconds = 60 seconds = 1 minute
chatIndividualCooldown = 10000 # 10k milliseconds = 10 seconds

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