
credentials.toml is a TOML file used by the mod to initiate connection with the Socket APIs. It is consisted of several arrays.

Field: moderatorsTwitch

Type: String array Description: Nicknames of moderators on Twitch. Exemplar Use:

moderatorsTwitch = [ "Alice", "Bob", "Eve" ]

Field: moderatorsMinecraft

Type: String array Description: Nicknames of moderators in Minecraft. Exemplar Use:

moderatorsMinecraft = [ "AliceInMinecraft", "BobInMinecraft" ]

Field: streamers

Type: Object array Description: Array of streamer credential data Exemplar Use:

	minecraftNick = "iGoodie"
	twitchNick = "iGoodiex"
	platform = "Streamlabs"
	tokenChat = "YOUR_CHAT_TOKEN_HERE - Can be generated from https://twitchapps.com/tmi/"

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